Tuesday 2 March 2010


In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media product?

My opening scene goes under the category as a horror. I used the part where my main character is been watched but through camera angles this is called Technical Codes, this creates an uneasy atmosphere. The music made the opening scene scary. This type of music is typical important and is a well known convention to this genre as it builds the opening scene to create the alone setting. The conventions in this scene are typical conventions such as the camera angles, editing, sound and the setting because I wanted my target audience to recognize this as a horror.

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

In the opening scene it has some typical social groups for this genre such as the age of my character is a young adult in her late teens/ early 20's. She also is a female and that is a typical for female to be in a this position not a man, as in the movie Scream Descent are all girls. This is because they can scream run around were as a man doing this would look odd.

I went against some typical stereotypes were the girl portrayed as innocent, blonde, bimbo. I wanted to show my audience that I good horror doesn't need this. I went against this by not using a blonde bimbo.

What kind of media institution might distribute your product and why?

I have been searing looking for a British company that would distribute my product and I come across Hammer Film Production. I feel that I fit the genre they distribute as they are known for series of Gothic films that were made in the mid 1950's to 1970's. This production was found in 1934.

Who would be the audience for your media product?

Well my genre is a horror and the age certificate has be above 15 because to this genre only allowed to be seen by ages 15 or above. This is one area I looked into because I didn't know the restrictions and when I searched this up I found out that my film would have to be seen by adults aged 18 and above. My target audience are from 18 till 35 because people can relate to my main character and would understand her because they feel they can relate to the character they would watch this film.

In my questionnaire I wanted to find out about the two genres that are horror and thriller because I didn't know the codes and conventions that I want to follow. Because I enjoyed watching both genres I didn't know which one I should choose as my opening sequence ans this is why I researched on both. My target gender would be both.

How did you attract/address your audience?

My character is in the target audience age group, she is 18 years old and that is my target audience range. I haven't excluded anyone by specific gender and my editing is done to a standard were it doesn't look odd. Such as there is no going to be any flying stars after a shot. I used the editing program called Final Cut Pro.

What have you learned about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Learnt how to use the camera and the tripod. Before media I never used a camera or anything before so this was a good experience and this helped me on my final task.

Also when I was editing I haven't used Final Cut Pro before I have used a similar program called Movie maker when I was doing my GCSE. I think because I used Movie maker this helped me a lot because it made Final Cut Pro more easier to use.

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learned in the progression from it to the finished product

I work by myself it did make the preliminary task a bit harder but I liked working on my own because if I made a mistake I knew it was my fault and I had to resolve it. I feel my confident with using the equipment and directing. My time management was brilliant throughout the whole project because I left myself enough time to complete each task I was success because I meet each deadline. I felt my organization skills improved as when I was telling my character what and when to meet and how to act.

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