Thursday 5 November 2009

The Ring 2002- Horror Movie

The Ring 'So Good, It's So Scary.' 'You'll Have A Spooky Good Time.'
I have watched the starting of the movie called The Ring, from the genre horror. The big letters of the above posters attracts the target audience to watch this movie. The picture is a dark, lonely place somewhere, were no one visits. It looks scary because the woman in the writing is screaming, typically codes and convection's the woman is blond.
It is fast paste editing you can't see the editing.
The setting of outside is dark and cold as you can see it is raining, the school teenagers have finished school and are at home suggesting that the time might be around 4 or 5ish. Due to its is dark so early could mean is it mid November when the clocks have gone back.
At the opening scene of the movie, there is two teenager characters played by Sasha Barrese and Tess Hall. These characters follower the typical stereotypes of girls talking about boys, hanging out at each other's houses and watching television.
The teenagers are wearing school clothes; this shows the audience that they are young teenagers attending a secondary high school. The girls are not wearing trousers but skirts this is another stereotype that girls wear skirts and boys wear the trousers.
The two girls are watching the television in the dark with no lights on and the curtains are closed. They are home alone and this takes place after school.
Frightening music is been played when the teenager are talking about something that has happened, this is to make the audience aware that this is something bad. When she is talking about something spooky the phone starts to ring and there is a close up on the time making the audience aware of the time and who would ring at 10 o'clock, whilst this is showing you can hear the rain in the background.
You can also hear diegetic sound such as drink been poured in to a glass, putting the phone down and closing the fridge door.
Camera Angles and Movement
The opening scene starts with an Establishing Shot of the house showing that it is late in the evening and it is raining this is a typical convention in a horror movie.
We are shown that there is two teenagers watching TV in the dark and it zooms on to them from a medium long shot to a medium shot.When they are having a conversation the camera is filmed over the shoulder showing only the character talking and the behind of the other one.
Suddenly the phone rings and goes into a close up of the clock showing that it is really late in the evening and who would be ringing at this time?
When they talk about the subject of the movie about the video cassette the camera zooms on to the face to have a close up of her facial expressions.
The movement technique that is used frequently is zoom, it is used when showing a medium shot to a close up, key features such as the clock and her facial expressions.
When the televisions switches on by itself there is a close up when the teenager is turning her head, this notifies the audience that something bad, is about to occur.

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