Friday 6 November 2009

Codes and Conventions- Horror Movie

A horror is a genre that are known to frighten, scare, terrify but at the same time interest us to keep the viewers intrigued. Horror films target is to interest the audiences and to do this they make the audience feel afraid and they create fear. The film certificate for a horror will be 15 or 18.

Horror films are normally in the dark that are either set in the woods, bad weather, old house or an isolated place. They typical codes and conventions are:

  • Blood
  • Violence
  • Killer is unknown
  • Villain is often 'superhuman' and can't be killed at the first attempt
  • Main character is often a woman
  • Close up on objects that they want the audience to focus on, so this makes the audience aware that something is about to occur.
  • Evil
  • Murder
  • Weapons
  • Aim to make the audience afraid.

Lighting is one key feature that would keep the audience wanting to watch what is going to happen next. Different lighting happens in different genres, for example if it is a horror then the lighting will be dark and the weather would be unrealistic like sudden thunder, lighting or even heavy rain.

Music is used to show which genre it is also if something is about to happen. The sound is non-diagetic that is music that cannot be heard by the audience. The sound is one of the big effects in the movie as it creates tension and suspense, also identifies what genre it is. If for example someone is going to die they would use non-diagetic sound (scary music), camera angles (close-up on facial expressions) and lightning (bad weather).

Example of Horror Movies

  1. Black Christmas
  2. Scream
  3. The Ring
  4. Bride of Chucky
  5. One Missed Call

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