Thursday 25 February 2010

Opening Sequence Exercise

Above is my storyboard that is a quick preview how my opening sequence would be like
Opening Sequence
Zoe finds herself on the floor in the middle no where, this has been setting her dreams for weeks and weeks. She slowly gets up and starts to shout and scream, hoping that someone will find her. After a while shes sees a little girl from a distance and tries to talk to her but the little girl just stands there. All of a sudden Zoe feels as if someone is standing behind her because she could feel the person breathing on her neck she turns around and no one is there. She looks back to where the girl was standing and she is nowhere to be seen. Zoe shouts for the girl and after a few seconds she is woken up by her alarm clock, this makes the audience aware that this is a dream

Zoe is shouting and screaming. She says repeatedly where am I, why am I here again, can some body here me and can some body help me.

In this task I needed to create a opening sequence for my chosen genre. My chosen genre was horror and I needed it to be recognisable to the audience and to do this I needed the correct conventions. All my work I have done is steps to the end and the end was my opening scene. I first had to analysis 4/5 movies and choose which genre I wanted to do. This was really hard because I kept choosing between horror and thriller, that is why my questionnaire is about horror and thriller. I kept choosing between the two because I liked the thriller conventions that it can be scary without blood and more blood but I really wanted the challenge to create a horror without the blood however I still wanted to do the typical horror conventions.. At the end I choose to create a horror opening scene.
After I analysed 3/4 movies and researched on codes and conventions of a thriller, horror and romantic comedy I had to create a questionnaire. In my questionnaire I had to create my own questions and hand them out to my target audience. At this point I was still confused with genre to do so I included both thriller and horror questions. I choose 18 till mid 30s age group because I can't do anything lower then 18 because it's a horror the certificate might be above 18.
I also did to extended my knowledge of horror and thriller movies I did more detailed research, to understand it more. The last bit of my research was not on the target audience or even the film, it was results behind the film such as the popularity of the genre. I had to research on which film genre are the most popular.
After all the research I did a preliminary task, for this task I had to record a clip. This task helped me a lot; to use a camera, tripod, learn the different types of shot and the rules. I think if I didn't do this task my opening sequence wouldn't at the standard it is now, because I wouldn't have known or practised how to use the equipment. I didn't straight away record my clip I had to build up to it meaning creating a storyboard (that included the camera shot I will be using), finding a location and characters.
After the preliminary task I was preparing for my opening sequence, this was more and a lot of detail compared to first task. I had to think of four story line's and then present this to my class, after I presented it they would give me there feedback to which ones I should do. After this I had to write in detail my story and then about the characters, location and how the genre can be identified.

Problems and how I improved it
All together all the problems I occurred was;
  • One of my problems were that I forgot to follow the 180 degree rule in my first task. After watching this clip with my class I realised that I missed out the rule and this was one of my comments on my feedback. I filmed again and got this right.
  • Well it wasn't a problem but more like a long decision, I didn't know which genre to follow. But after a lot of research in each genre I came with the decision to follow Horror.
  • In my opening sequence I made a mistake in filming, at one point a few shots didn't follow each other properly because I moved the camera angle whilst my main character was doing the same scene. I resolved this by adding Point Of View Shots. I did this mistake first because I thought it would work well and that it would look better.
  • In the last location of my opening scene I filmed in BHS store, and my main character was in the bed. When I looked back at the shot you could see behind the bed that this was a store. Instead of filming again I used the program I was using that was Final Cut Pro and edited it by zooming in that shot. Now it doesn't look like a store.

Learnt by my mistakes

I have learnt from my mistakes not to do them again and if I did it how to improve it. My mistakes that I did were easy to put right so this never effected my time management planning schedule.

Learnt throughout the whole Media Project

I have learnt or improved many things such as

  • Creating myself a schedule= this helped myself not to fall behind and to meet my deadline.
  • Equipment= I learnt how to use the equipment like the tripod and the camera, the two equipment I haven't used before. I learnt from this how to move the camera whilst its on the tripod and the different movement, I learnt how to do the different camera shots from he camera.
  • I have learnt how to blog= I have never used this website, but I have done something similar like my journey from the start till the end.
  • I have improved on my organization skills by getting everything done at a particular time, getting everyone together when I'm going to film and organizing when to do my filming.

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