Thursday 25 February 2010

Opening Sequence Exercise

Above is my storyboard that is a quick preview how my opening sequence would be like
Opening Sequence
Zoe finds herself on the floor in the middle no where, this has been setting her dreams for weeks and weeks. She slowly gets up and starts to shout and scream, hoping that someone will find her. After a while shes sees a little girl from a distance and tries to talk to her but the little girl just stands there. All of a sudden Zoe feels as if someone is standing behind her because she could feel the person breathing on her neck she turns around and no one is there. She looks back to where the girl was standing and she is nowhere to be seen. Zoe shouts for the girl and after a few seconds she is woken up by her alarm clock, this makes the audience aware that this is a dream

Zoe is shouting and screaming. She says repeatedly where am I, why am I here again, can some body here me and can some body help me.

In this task I needed to create a opening sequence for my chosen genre. My chosen genre was horror and I needed it to be recognisable to the audience and to do this I needed the correct conventions. All my work I have done is steps to the end and the end was my opening scene. I first had to analysis 4/5 movies and choose which genre I wanted to do. This was really hard because I kept choosing between horror and thriller, that is why my questionnaire is about horror and thriller. I kept choosing between the two because I liked the thriller conventions that it can be scary without blood and more blood but I really wanted the challenge to create a horror without the blood however I still wanted to do the typical horror conventions.. At the end I choose to create a horror opening scene.
After I analysed 3/4 movies and researched on codes and conventions of a thriller, horror and romantic comedy I had to create a questionnaire. In my questionnaire I had to create my own questions and hand them out to my target audience. At this point I was still confused with genre to do so I included both thriller and horror questions. I choose 18 till mid 30s age group because I can't do anything lower then 18 because it's a horror the certificate might be above 18.
I also did to extended my knowledge of horror and thriller movies I did more detailed research, to understand it more. The last bit of my research was not on the target audience or even the film, it was results behind the film such as the popularity of the genre. I had to research on which film genre are the most popular.
After all the research I did a preliminary task, for this task I had to record a clip. This task helped me a lot; to use a camera, tripod, learn the different types of shot and the rules. I think if I didn't do this task my opening sequence wouldn't at the standard it is now, because I wouldn't have known or practised how to use the equipment. I didn't straight away record my clip I had to build up to it meaning creating a storyboard (that included the camera shot I will be using), finding a location and characters.
After the preliminary task I was preparing for my opening sequence, this was more and a lot of detail compared to first task. I had to think of four story line's and then present this to my class, after I presented it they would give me there feedback to which ones I should do. After this I had to write in detail my story and then about the characters, location and how the genre can be identified.

Problems and how I improved it
All together all the problems I occurred was;
  • One of my problems were that I forgot to follow the 180 degree rule in my first task. After watching this clip with my class I realised that I missed out the rule and this was one of my comments on my feedback. I filmed again and got this right.
  • Well it wasn't a problem but more like a long decision, I didn't know which genre to follow. But after a lot of research in each genre I came with the decision to follow Horror.
  • In my opening sequence I made a mistake in filming, at one point a few shots didn't follow each other properly because I moved the camera angle whilst my main character was doing the same scene. I resolved this by adding Point Of View Shots. I did this mistake first because I thought it would work well and that it would look better.
  • In the last location of my opening scene I filmed in BHS store, and my main character was in the bed. When I looked back at the shot you could see behind the bed that this was a store. Instead of filming again I used the program I was using that was Final Cut Pro and edited it by zooming in that shot. Now it doesn't look like a store.

Learnt by my mistakes

I have learnt from my mistakes not to do them again and if I did it how to improve it. My mistakes that I did were easy to put right so this never effected my time management planning schedule.

Learnt throughout the whole Media Project

I have learnt or improved many things such as

  • Creating myself a schedule= this helped myself not to fall behind and to meet my deadline.
  • Equipment= I learnt how to use the equipment like the tripod and the camera, the two equipment I haven't used before. I learnt from this how to move the camera whilst its on the tripod and the different movement, I learnt how to do the different camera shots from he camera.
  • I have learnt how to blog= I have never used this website, but I have done something similar like my journey from the start till the end.
  • I have improved on my organization skills by getting everything done at a particular time, getting everyone together when I'm going to film and organizing when to do my filming.

Monday 15 February 2010

Main Idea


  • Zoe finds herself on the floor in the middle of no where, this setting has been her dream for weeks and weeks. She slowly gets up and starts to shout and scream, hoping that some one will find her. After a while she sees a little girl from a distance and tries to talk to her but the little girl just stands there. All of a sudden Zoe feels as if someone is standing behind her because she could feel the person breathing on her neck she turns around and no one is there. She looks back to were the girl was standing and she is no where to be seen. Zoe shouts for the girl and after a few seconds she is woken up by her alarm clock, this makes the audience aware that this is a dream.
  • She stayed in her bed for a few minutes and drinks her water that was beside her bed and looks at the time (its 7am). She started to get ready and when she was putting her clothes on, the audience sees the inside of her flat and this gives the audience an idea of the way she lives. Her clothes were on the floor, the flat was in a mess, the one bedroom flat shows that she lives alone, all on the wall is colourful post its that have a few words on, she hasn't got much food in her kitchen and there are take-away boxes on the sofa. The image we are trying to portrayal is that something is on her mind and because of that it is effecting her lifestyle and her everyday routine.
  • She got in her car and drives to a tall building not that far from were she lives. The audience doesn't see how she got from he car to the office, all they see is her on the road driving then in an office. Were she was sitting on the sofa with a woman who dresses smart and the room they was in was massive, the audience get the image that it is a office. Zoe talked to the woman who is a Psychologists about her dream and when she was talking, she was letting the audience know that this dream has been happening for weeks and weeks. She said that the dreams was getting worse and that she felt someone was watching her in her dream, and that her dream seemed as if it really happened also that she felt as if she was getting close to finding out where and what she is doing in her dream. The Psychologists gave her sleeping pills and told her to go on holiday, as a new atmosphere might get rid of the dreams and she started talking about her divorced husband. Zoe got really angry as she thought that the Psychologists believed that because of her divorce she is getting nightmares when that was not the case. Zoe storms out leaving the sleeping pills in her office and got in her car.
  • She got into the car and started to drive then all of a sudden she got a flash back of herself in the woods the same place in her dreams. She parked on the side of the road and started to cry when she suddenly she saw a newspaper advert saying 'dreams, dreams can effect your everyday lifestyle STOP the nightmares NOW and call Charlie 07725795455'. She phoned the number straight away and spoke to Charlie who invited her over to his house now.
  • She drove to his house and parked outside, the street was really quite away from the busy roads and if you listened carefully you could hear the birds singing. Zoe walked on the drive way and she saw an old fashion car, a car that you would have seen in the films in the 1980s.
  • She arrived at the door step and started to breath heavily because she was nervous to meet Charlie. On the phone he seemed to believe her, that this is nothing to do with her ex husband, she believed someone is trying to tell her something but she couldn't figure out what. She rang the door bell and after a minute a tall, old guy opened the door. Its Charlie he seemed as if he was in his 40's, his beard was curly and grey, his hair was messy as if it hasn't been brushed for days. Charlie greeted Zoe and invited her inside.
  • When Zoe walks into the house his house was tidy until she walked into the lounge were one side of the room was full of tapes and cassette and the other side had rows of books. In the middle of the room there was a desk and the television was above the fire place. Zoe and Charlie talk about the dreams and flashbacks, she told him that she felt as if the little girl was trying to tell her something in her dream but always when she is near the truth she got the sense that someone was watching her and tried to stop her from finding the truth. He told her that he can help and that maybe it is something to do with the past or the near future. He advised her to go home and before she goes to sleep to take the alarm clock out of her room. This is because Zoe always wakes up at 7.00am because of the alarm and a few times she has unplugged the alarm clock but the alarm still tends to beep. If she doesn't wake up from the alarm clock it gives her more time in the dream to find out where she is. He also told her to record herself asleep as this might help them to find out something.
  • She left his house feeling confident that the nightmares ending soon. She got home and had a nice relaxing bath and then got ready to jump in the bed. Zoe took the batteries out of the alarm clock and puts the clock in the other room just like Charlie said and she placed the camcorder into to position so it records her whilst she is sleeping.
  • She woke up from her dream by a loud truck outside, she looks at her phone clock and it was 7.00am. She then noticed that she has scratch marks all on her body this was due to her nightmare. Her dreams got worse by the day, this is because she was trying to get help and the more she tried to get help the more she got hurt in her dreams. When she saw the marks on her arms and legs, she ran into the bathroom and when she looked into the mirror and saw scratch marks on her face and she started to scream. On the mirror in red like blood wrote 'STOP GETTING PEOPLE INVOLVED.' Zoe saw the comment and runs out the house, she got into the car and drove to setting of her dream. Whilst driving she phoned him trying to tell him what she had found but he doesn't answer the phone on time and she left him a message telling him that she has found out the place where she was in her dream. Whilst trying to tell him the message many obstacles come into her way such as nearly having a car crash, someone crossing the road all of a sudden and the man driving in front brakes quickly. Even though this happens she still managed to leave him the message and told him that she would meet him at the house of her dream. He doesn't hear this message and leaves the house to go to the local shops.
  • The house that she spots in her dream is the house she use to live in 13 years ago. The family moved out in the middle of the night and never returned back. When Zoe found out were the sitting of her nightmare was, she didn't want to waste any time and wanted to go straight there.
  • She arrived at the old house but before she could even park the car, the car stops itself. Zoe leaves the car in front of the driveway and walked to the front of the door. The house was on a private road which only had a few houses on the road. As she walked through the rusty old gates it slammed behind her shut. It was like some one didn't want anyone else to enter the house. She got to the door but the door was locked and the house was like as if no one has lived there for years. On the floor was a creamy dusty mat saying welcome she looks under the mat hoping to find something, and she found a key. Zoe walked into the house and everything was the exact same when Zoe and her family left it 13 years ago. The furniture was the same, the toys still left on the floor everything was the same. Zoe walked around the house and remembered all the time she spent in the house, but all off a sudden she realised that everything was the same apart from all her sister belongings. Nothing belonging to her sister was there no pictures on the wall, no toys, her room was empty everything was gone as if she never existed. She felt that something was wrong and looked around the house, she walked past the cellar door and saw that it had a lock on it, this seemed strange because the door never had a lock on it. Zoe tried to break the lock but every time she tried to hit the hammer on the lock something tried to distract her; the house phone rang, her mobile started to ring and every alarm clock in the house started to beep. When she finally managed to open the lock there is a big knock on the door and police man walked in, he asked Zoe what she was doing and that there had been complaint that there had been a break-in. The policeman told her to leave because she was trespassing and he escorts her off the premises and toke her to the car. She got into the car and started to scream and got out of the car and falls on the floor. The policeman ran up to her asking what had happened, and she pointed at the car. An old old man was sitting in her passenger seat, his face was full of blood, his hands was wrapped in a paper bag, it was no stranger to Zoe because it was Charlie. The policeman called an ambulance and had to arrest Zoe for further questioning.
  • The police told Zoe that she was free to go but she isn't allowed to back to the crime scene that was the house is located. She left the police station and went straight home, after a few hours Zoe couldn't stay away from the place and went to the house. She waited for the police to go away from the murder scene and went into the house all that Zoe wanted was closure. She got inside the house and finally opened the cellar door whilst she opened the door the lights started to flicker on and off. She walked down the stairs looked around and saw all of her sisters belonging from her clothes, toys an pictures. Zoe is confused why all of Sarah's (her sister) things was locked away. She goes through some boxes and saw a camcorder, she picked it up and all of a sudden the lights turn off. Zoe got her phone to use that light and looks at the camcorder and pressed play. Zoe was mortified to what she saw, she saw a clip off Sarah.
  • In the clip Sarah is recording her dad shouting at their mum and her dad clashes out at Sarah and slaps her. The camcorder falls on the floor and we see what happens, Sarah smacks her head on the door and her head is bleeding. The parents start to panic and they start to scream at each other, the dad checks Sarah's mouth if she still is breathing, but he says that she is dead. They both start blaming each other and then the mother says that they shouldn't go to the police because no one will believe them and that they should hide the evidence. The dad picks Sarah and takes her out the room and the mum starts to pick her toys and then the camcorder finishes.
  • Everything starts to seem more clear, it was the middle of the night when her parents woke her up and put her in the car and said they are moving house. The parents told Zoe that it was a surprise move and that Susan will be staying behind to stay with her grandma, after that day Zoe never stayed in contact with any one from that area due to the move.
  • Zoe started to panic but she remembers what her mum said in the clip 'lets hide her body in the woods area'. She ran to the woods to the place were she used to play with her sister, at the tree house. Zoe started to think about her nightmare, because her body might be were her nightmare is set. In her nightmare the little girl that was her sister was standing behind the tree house. Zoe ran to the place and saw that the floor seemed bumpy and she falls on the floor and started to dig a hole trying to see if she can find anything. All of a sudden she found a bracelet that had 'S & Z 4eva' that stands for it Sarah and Zoe forever, Zoe feels afraid to what she might found next. When her ring got caught on a black bag that had a bad smell. Zoe knew what she had found and started to cry out loud she held the bracelet really tight and prayed for a miracle.
  • Soon later police sirens were heard from a distance that went louder by the second. The police arrived with many people in bright yellow jackets. Zoe stayed sitting on the floor and watched the police take the black bag out of the ground, in the bag was a body. Zoe felt broken her perfect family she felt she had changed in less then few hours.
  • The movie goes straight to the scene of her sisters funeral where she buries her sister. When she is alone she talks to the gravestone were she apologise to Sarah saying that she felt that she could of done more and that she was sorry that it took her this long to find out.

  • Zoe went home and relaxed in her bed and falls asleep She had dream that the little girl waved and said bye to her and like the previous dream the alarm starts beeping at 7am, she ran into the bathroom thinking its happening again. When she got to the bathroom she washed her face with water, when she looked up there was writing on the mirror in a black and brown colour just like the mood in the woods saying 'Its all over' and on the shelf was a ring what she gave to her sister on her birthday. Its a flash back when she gave it to her.


Characters: Zoe

  • 20 years old
  • Her parents died in a car crash a year ago and because of that it affected her marriage to her child-hood boyfriend and it ended up them both getting divorced, and since then she has lived alone.
  • Her house is a mess, clothes on the floor, loads of take away boxes and post its on the wall because she writes down everything that happens in her dream.
  • She use to work as a receptionist at the local hospital but they told her to take a few weeks off because she was not well.
  • She comes across as stressed and confused.
  • She is a girl- I used a girl because this is a typically conventions in a horror.

Locations in the opening scene

The location I have chosen is at the back off Sutton Park (the woods area). I have chosen his place because apart from it is a typical horror convention, I wanted the audience to be aware of the genre also to wanted the audience to see the location and want to watch the rest of the movie.

My second setting in the opening scene is in the bedroom, this is when Zoe wakes up from her nightmare. I used the bed in BHS when I was editing I realised that you could the shop behind this is why I edit it and zoomed in.
The rest of the movie locations
  • Office= when Zoe goes to talk about her dream
  • Car= when she travels to places
  • House= This would be Charlies House
  • Her Flat= When the audience see how she lives
  • Police station=When she gets questioned
  • Nightmare House= Her old house

How genre will be identified through the opening scene

  • Location =is a typical, important, well known convention in a horror as it is set in the woods. The woods are lonely, scary, dark and that is the atmosphere I want to create.
  • Music =is scary and isn't a type of music that would played in a romantic comedy.
  • Camera angles= when I did shot as if some one is watching Zoe from a distance.
  • Character= What she says (can some body help me) shows that she is afraid. She is a girl and most horror films main characters are girls such as Scream, Descent and many more.
  • Credits/title= Have a black background meaning darkness like a secret and red representing fear, blood, anger.
In my opening sequence there will only be one character. The character will have her out straight and she will be wearing black. In a romantic comedy everyone wears bright colour clothes and this is why I wanted to do the opposite of this.

Hemma playing the actress Zoe
Zoe will be keep saying the lines below;
  • Oh my god where am I?
  • oh my god
  • Can someone hear me?
  • I'm here again
  • Can someone help me?
  • Why is this happening to me?
Zoe gets to the tree and is nearly about to cry until she sees the little girl. When she sees the little girl she says:

'Can I see someone, can you help me please. Please don't go, I promise I wont move. I keep having this dream and keeps repeating. I don't know what to do.'

She turns around
Oh my god this is weird, where is she? where she gone? CAN SOMEBODY HELP ME.'

She wakes up from her nightmare

'Thank god that was a nightmare'.

The music I have selected goes with the genre of my movie horror. The music is scary and creates an uneasy feeling for the audience. I have chosen three pieces of music that I am going to use in my opening scene. The first song is played on at the start of the movie when the credits appear. The secound music comes on when the camera uses the covention called technical code, were the camera walks behind Zoe and she feels as if some one is behind her. The music I have seleted is called heart beat, this sound adds tention. The last piece of music I have seleted is at the end of the movie were the title appears.

I have also seleted a sound, that is the alarm clock, it appears quitly in the background because I didn't want all the focus to be on the sound but I wanted it to still be there.

Presentation that I showed my class

My first page I choose a yellow page, to show that my ideas are bright.

This was my idea 1 that I showed my class, which I had postive plus negative feedback

My idea 2 was my favourite and I did receive good feedback

I received good and negative feedback, my class said that it may be hard to create the opening scene.

My final idea and this was liked by everyone in the class and I choose to do for my opening sequence.