Thursday 3 December 2009

Analysis of The Questionnaire

1). How old are you?

I have used four different age groups from young as 15 years old to above 31, to gain an equal result. I have given 24 questionnaire out and have divided them up by 6 questionnaire to each age group.

2). What gender are you?
I wanted to conduct a fair questionnaire and receive feedback from both genders to have done this I have give 12 questionnaire to each gender.
3). Which genre would you prefer to watch?

I only had three boxes that were horror, thriller and other. The people that selected other wrote action, comedy, fantasy and adventure. From the results it shows that thriller was a popular genre to watch. This has made me realise that I am going to choose thriller as my genre because my audience would prefer this.

4). How many times in a month do you watch your chosen genre?

This doesn't help my research but it does show that my audience does watch the movie frequently.
5). What do you expect to see in a horror movie?
This results showed that people expect to see blood for it to be in the dark and be able to hear creepy music. They do not expect as much to see an old house or an unnatural monster.

6). What do you expect to see in a thriller movie?

This shows that people expect to see in a thriller action, crime, conspiracy an murder not much of political or disasters. The three expected areas are linked together and are easy combined.

7). What is your favourite horror movie?

In this question I never done this as multi-choice because I wanted to see which films the audience would like to watch. The three I got the most was Saw, Paranormal Activity and Orphan this would help me with my video as I will watch all the movies and see what is common and what I could use for my video.

8). What is your favourite thriller movie?

In this question I never done this as multi-choice because I wanted to see which films the audience would like to watch. The one I got the most was Bourne Trilogy. This would help me with my video as I will watch all the movies and see what is common and what I could use for my video.

1 comment:

  1. this is OK, Manny, but i wonder why you changed your mind from thriller to horror? a discussion of this may be elsewhere on the blog, but this is a mystery...
